1st Canadian Symposium on Long COVID
When: September 20 and 21, 2023
Where: Hilton Midtown Hotel – Montreal* and in virtual
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the health and well-being of the Canadian population, not only through its direct effects but also through its indirect effects. Among the effects of this infection, the Post-COVID-19 Condition (PCC), also known as “Long COVID”, affects many of the population, who present new, persistent or recurrent symptoms for weeks or months after their acute infection.
Despite advances in scientific knowledge, PCC and its mechanisms remain largely unknown. To encourage research in this area, the various levels of government have made several important announcements in recent months: at the provincial level, the creation of the Long COVID cohort – housed at the MCRI –, the Quebec COVID – Pandemic Network, both supported by the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé, and the creation of long-COVID clinics by the ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (MSSS); and at the federal level, the creation of the Long COVID Web, the publication of the report of the Office of the Chief Science Advisor of Canada and support for the establishment of clinical practice guidelines. While these investments are essential, they will only be fully realized if the scientific and clinical community and patients can come together on a regular basis to share the state of knowledge, measure progress, and share interventions that support people with Long COVID.
That is why the Fonds de recherche du Québec and the Long COVID Web have decided to join forces to organize the first major Canadian Conference dedicated to Long COVID. This symposium will offer invited speakers and panelists as well as all participants interested in the subject, the opportunity to express themselves on these issues and to explore possible solutions to mobilize joint efforts and thus highlight the excellence of Canadian research in this field.
In summary, these two days will be devoted to bringing together top Canadian researchers, policy-makers and people living with Long COVID to share knowledge and demystify PCC.
The objectives of the conference are to:
Identify research gaps and potential areas of collaboration between the different research pillars;
Bring together leading experts from different fields to share their latest findings and insights on PCC and future research priorities;
Accelerate knowledge translation for optimal care and services.
Summary of planned activities:
A discussion between Prof. Mona Nemer, Chief Science Advisor of Canada and Prof. Rémi Quirion, Chief Scientist for Quebec on the state of research and government decisions;
Conferences and thematic presentations on current research around the biomedical, clinical, health services and population health pillars;
A citizen’s conference with patients;
Panel discussions and discussion periods.
Will be present :
Angela Cheung, Professor of Medicine and Researcher, University of Toronto and Co-Lead of COVID Long Web
Emilia Liana Falcone, Director of the IRCM Post-COVID-19 (IPCO) Research Clinic and Researcher, Montreal Clinical Research Institute (IRCM)
Douglas Fraser, Researcher, Lawson Health Research Institute, London Health Sciences Centre
Akiko Iwasaki, Professor of Immunobiology and Molecular Biology and Researcher, Yale University
Mona Nemer, Chief Science Advisor of Canada
Nathaniel Osgood, Professor of Computer Science, University of Saskatchewan
Gavin Oudit, Professor, Cardiologist, University of Alberta and Clinician-Scientist, Mazankowski Alberta Heart Institute
Rémi Quirion, Quebec Chief Scientist​